Monday, January 31, 2022

Five-Thirty-Eight (1/31/22) on Potential U.S. House Districts for New York State

Five-Thirty-Eight is out today with an in-depth examination (including diagrams) of a proposed map before the New York legislature to determine the state's U.S. House districts. The article describes the plan, which could gain the Democrats three seats in the Empire State, as a "a good possibility [to pass] but far from a certainty." 

The article hits a number of themes, including the parts of the state in which redrawn districts would likely shift from lean-Republican to lean-Democratic; the possible ways in which the plan could fail either in the legislature or in the courts; and why the final drawing of districts almost certainly will fall to the legislature, rather than to the state's bipartisan districting commission.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Five-Thirty-Eight (1/14/22) on Ohio Supreme Court's Rejection of GOP Redistricting Map (OHIO)

Nathaniel Rakich at Five-Thirty-Eight examines the Ohio Supreme Court's rejection of the congressional map passed by the state's Republican-majority legislature and the decision's possible implications for the partisan makeup of the state's future U.S. House delegation (LINK). Rakich also looks at which other states have thus far passed highly partisan maps (by statistical indicators) that may be vulnerable to court challenges.

Redistricting Now Complete in All States (NATIONAL)

  With New Hampshire finally determining how to draw the lines between its two congressional districts, all states have now completed redis...